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Sunday, June 22, 2008

Saturday's Events

Hi Janet - I'm so glad the doctor caught the problem with your left lung yesterday, and was able to deal with it. Please get as much rest as possible so that you can get your strength back soon. Yesterday I spent the day at Raks America - it was awesome! I took Ansuya's drum solo workshop, and she was kind enough to pose for a picture with me. It made up for missing her at Rakkasah a couple of years ago - you know what I mean. I hope you get a laugh out of this story. I hope you'll be well enough to have visitors soon, as a lot of us are missing you very much. Keep dancing in your heart. Love, Claudia


Athanasia said...

Hi Janet,
Close calls are not fun; but I am happy to nurse was vigilant and caught it in time.
I am patient with the patient hoping you can reach the 200ml. soon; and start to become stronger.

If I can help let me know.


george quinn sr. said...

Thanks Athie!