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Sunday, June 22, 2008

Happy Birthday from the Dragons!

Dear Aliya - all our best wishes 0n your 29th! May the continued outpouring of love and affection quickly bring you back to health and to us.
Last night we performed at the Potomac Overlook Park, where you have danced with us many times. It was a beautiful scene; perfect weather, lots of people picnicking and as always a charming throng of small children running about and dancing in front of the stage. Zaina danced in a beautiful green costume with mirrors - that turned out to be important, because when it was time for her final number the stage lights were blinding us musicians . She was to give us cues with her movements, as usual, but now we could barely see her out front, except for the flashing of the mirrors as she turned. We played with baited breath- we kept looking at each other for reassurance: Now??? Not Yet! ; but Dale pulled off a beautiful drum-solo and luckily we were able to guess right about her gestures and spins and all went well.
As we ended the show with "Love is Healing Power"my thoughts went to you. There was thunder and flashing lightning in the distance when we began packing up our equipment and the first rain drops were falling when Dale, Gordon, Dave, Mark, Zaina and I said goodbye.
Much love and Birthday hugs Stream

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