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Friday, June 13, 2008

Progress on Friday

Hello folks,

This is George sr. again.
As of Friday afternoon, Janet was still recovering.
Some things are better, but a couple need more time.

One coworker, Dr. Naoimi Eidelman of the ADA, offered to give me a wireless laptop on loan. That was a great idea, but Janet told me at noontime she wasn't up to actually doing it yet. She was chomping at the bit just before the surgery, but now she is a little slower and is still recovering. Thanks anyway Naoimi!
OK, we will be patient. I think she does need rest, both in body and soul, to prepare for the next steps. It has been an incredible shock.

Sam Liao's pictures are great. How thoughtful of you to add them.
Poems are very inspirational too! And please don't forget those prayers. I'm serious.

The group photo that Roxanne sent was for the short course that she gave on Fractography. Roxanne represents Zeiss and was very kind to loan the microscopes. On the right in white in the front is Dr. Susanne Scherrer of the University of Geneva. She and Janet gave the course with a supporting appearance by me.
It was astonishing that the very next day, Janet fell ill and we ended up in the emergency room. You would never know it from the photo.

So for now, no general visitations. Janet still has a little trouble talking and it causes her to get tired. Let us let her rest her throat. I may have more for this blog later tonight.

I am printing out the blog pages to bring to show her, but please remember before you post something, that Janet is in a very serious situation.


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