Wonderful news!
Today they decided that Janet had recovered enough to disconnect the catheter. Yes, she got down to 275 ml/24 hours drainage from the right lung. Doctor Barry Levin, the thoracic surgeon, carefully reviewed his notes and studied our own data charts. Yes, we had been meticulously plotting the data for many days now. He made the decision. Special thanks also go to Kaiser internal medicine doctors Ira Rabin and Wright.
The left lung blot clot appears to be stabilized. She has some fluid build up, but is starting to work it off. So things have taken a turn for the better. The doctors and Janet have decided to give her a chance on her own! They are preparing to send her home, possibly as early as Tuesday, with medications and the hope that she will be able to make the Thursday appointment at Hopkins. I don’t think that it was an accident they made this decision on her birthday. It just fit so well.
What a remarkable turnaround! A few days ago she was in jeopardy. She was told that less fit patients might have spirled downward. Of course we will monitor her carefully, and they will check her carefully before they let her go, but let us be optimistic. She is!
So the prayers and wishes have been answered!
So tonight the family came together for a true celebration. Thanks to all of you who sent greetings via the blog or cards in the mail. We had fun going through them. Janet, Janet’s mother Florence, Aleta, George Walter and his girl friend Alana and I all came. The nurses came in and sang Happy Birthday with us. We restrained our visit so as to aviod exhausting Janet, but she was happy to see us all there. The photo shows me, Janet, Aleta and G.W. Janet is on her feet and free of the cursed drain chord.
Everyone is keen on getting her to Hopkins including the Kaiser doctors and clinical trial coordinators. Janet’s spirit and drive have prevailed. The thoracic surgeon said that they would not have done this or taken the chance for most patients, but Janet is the exception. I cannot tell you how many times over the last week that physicians and Joan and Robin have told us that patient attitude makes a big difference. Positive attitudes contribute tangibly to a patient's healing and also energizes the doctors. We should all remember this as we face our own trials and tribulations.
Thank you all so much for your love, help, and support!
OK, let’s see if she really does get released and let’s give her some time to rest.
With any luck, she will be able to write these blog entries soon, but please don’t flood her with phone calls or visits just yet! Stay tuned…………
george, sr.
Happy Birthday! This is wonderful news indeed! take some time out to celebrate, as you go to Hopkins
-from LAX, just before a red-eye to BWI =)
Dear Janet and George,
Such great news and development! So, good luck with the hopefully long waited release and the coming visit to Hopkins. No doubt that your positive and optimistic attitude and the cooperative efforts and support of your great family helped.
See you soon, Naomi
Great News! We continue to pray every day for you Janet. You have the best husband and children behind you. All our love your way. Barbara
Fantastic! I am glad to hear it, Janet. This is great news.
Yes, attitude is everything. You have proved that.
Time to move on to the next step, which I have a feeling will be the road to recovery.
That is a great picture of you guys.
It looks like things are going to turn around now. That's what we've been waiting for. I am so glad to hear that things are improving. Good luck at Hopkins!
Dear Janet and Family,
It looks like you had a wonderful birthday celebration. Positive thoughts and an upbeat attitude will get you through this. Amanda and I are mailing you some Cd's to listen to, I listen to them all the time and they definitely are wonderful pick me up's and give alot of hope and inspiration. Have you heard of " The Secret" those are the cd's. Listen to them and have faith!
Hello Gracie,
I hope that you see this.
janet and I spent time today, Wednesday 25th, carefully reading some information "Chapter 29, Non smokers lung disease," from www.lungcancerclaims.com that you sent to us on June 17th. It had very valuable information about the EGFR gene and how one can check for a specific mutation and optimize chemo treatment, with potentially very good success rates.
We wnat to learn about such things as we prepare for possible clinical trials or Janet's treatments.
This info was great!
Thank a lot.
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