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Saturday, June 14, 2008

Still recovering, Saturday afternoon

Hi folks,
Janet is still recovering. It is taking longer than expected. The lung is still collecting some fluid.
They added some more talc medicine to her last night and this morning and gave her 3 units of blood. Now we wait and hope that the lung stabilizes.
Her spirits are good and she is getting a little exasperated with some of the nurses since they are not used to the procedures she is getting. Janet, you see, is in an orthopedic ward. I guess they figured this would be a straightforward task, but it is going on longer than they expected. We may ask to have her moved if need be.

So the same as yesterday: No general visits or telephone calls since she still is very tired, especially after last night.

Robin Blendell, a nurse-dancer friend of the family visted Janet today to help out. Thanks Robin! Joan is also coming in to help as she can. At the moment, these are the kind of visitors we need in addition to the immediate family.
As soon as Janet is feeling well enough for visitors, I'll post it on this blog.
So stay tuned, and go ahead and add some comments!


Sam Liao said...
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Sam Liao said...

Hi George,
I went to church yesterday and we prayed for Janet. Our group leader said that one lady from our church suffered from lung cancer too, but we started having a prayer group for her. Later on, they review x-ray pictures of her lung, some lung cancer (bubble, I dont know how they called it) disappeared! She is not completely recovered yet, but I think prayers really does help.
I will keep praying for her and please let me know if there is anything I can help!
