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Wednesday, June 25, 2008

2nd day at Home

I visited my mother today. I try not to visit her two days in a row, but I wanted to know what was going on with regard to the Hopkins appointment tomorrow.

My mother is doing fine. Yesterday she was pretty enervated, but today I saw her perform some routine tasks around the house, such as wash her hair, and check the computer. She says she watched the Youtube video of the gay bellydancer posted by Manda. I also hear she is eating well. On the down side, she was frequently out of breath, and she says she can feel blood in her lung. I'm not exactly sure what she means by that. It's important that she regain her strength so that she can endure chemotherapy.

My mother's legs are bloated from edema. I don't fully understand what caused the edema, but I suspect a major cause is all of the IV bags the nurses were emptying into her. While at the hopsital, the nurses also tried to strap an oxygen mask to my mom's face, but she wouldn't have it, because it would only make her more dependent on the hospital machines. My mom planned to leave that place, and even a partially collapsed lung was not enough to stop her.

My mom also wanted to leave the hospital so that she could make the Hopkins appointment tomorrow. After the appointment, I hope we will know how to proceed, and what clinical trials she is applicable for.

Thanks to everyone who has posted to this blog, and thanks to those who have not posted but are reading out of concern for my mother. My parents requested that I thank Joan specifically for stopping by my mom's house earlier today to check on her.



Stream said...

Thank you for sharing this with us, GW! Stream

Nabila said...

Wearing compression socks might help with the edema. Sometimes my legs would swell just from eating Asian food. It was painful to walk but the compression socks really help. You can buy those at CVS. Thanks for your update!