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Thursday, June 19, 2008

Good news on Thursday

Hello friends,

Janet continues to convalesce. She was a tad anemic today, but nothing alarming. An MRI test result came back showing no problems in her brain, which is good news. An echo cardiogram of her heart also came back good. It was great to get some positive news for a change. OK, maybe the tide is turning!

Also, I received formal word today that Janet was formally approved for a referral to Johns Hopkins center for possible clinical trial treatments. As such, if she qualifies for a trial, she will have access to some of the latest possible treatments. We are optimistic.
This is a big relief for us all.

She is still draining from the lung and we are quantifying it. Hopefully tomorrow it will abate.

I'll take a picture or two tomorrow.

Janet's birthday is Monday the 23rd. So I am afraid we will have to forgo a birthday party for now. Maybe once she is back on her feet.
We continue with very limited visitations.

Go ahead and add some comments or post something yourself.
I think it is possoble to figure this out on the blogspot web site, but you can contact our son G. W. and he can give you a so called "invitation" that will expedite your ablity to contribute.
I think that all you have to do is establish a google identity by giving Google your email and selecting some password. I did this and there have been no annoying spam messages from anyone as a result.
george quinn, sr


Athanasia said...


I am so happy to hear that things have taken a turn for the better. You deserve the best.

I knew Kaiser would approve your going to Hopkins. That's Great!


george quinn sr. said...

Hi Athie,

Glad you could join us!
This is my first experience with a blog too.
Thanks to our son G. W. and Coleen Hood for getting it set up.
george quinn, sr.

Sam Liao said...

That is so awesome!! I am very happy ;-)


Clif Carey said...

I have been following with great interest the progress that has been happening with Janet. It seemes to me that the progress is largely due to the tenacity of Janet and George. Keep up the push - Janet it worth it.

Cindy and Gerson said...

Janet, Gerson and I were so devastated when we learned of your illness. I wanted to thank you for helping to set up his birthday surprise. He was very happily surprised by the present, yet also disappointed that he wasn't actually going to hook up with you and your students for a core fitness class! Please know that both of us read George Sr's blog every day- THANK YOU George!!- and we both are sending tons of healing wishes and prayers (and some shimmies) your way. It is no suprise to us that the dance community has jumped in with both feet-arms and hips and zills too- to help get you into Hopkins. That is a definite good move. You are a very gracious, beautiful inside and out, class act. Keep your spirits up and know that we are thinking of you every day. Gerson checks in with G.W. on a regular basis.If there is anything we can do for you and the family, please, please let us know.

Cindy and Gerson