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Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Tuesday night entry

Dear friends,

Janet rested in surgical intensive care all day Tuesday. She was monitored closely and was visited by many specialists. Everyone is hoping that she will get some movement back in her legs, but it is not happening. It is not hopeless, but it is grim. The doctors will give her a couple more days before we move in another direction.
Our son GW remained with Janet all through the night. I came in for 5 hours in the morning to early afternoon. This was important since the doctors made their rounds during this interval. We had a terrible scare when her Tarceva anti cancer pills went missing in all the turmoil from moving her from an oncology ward to surgery and then to intensive care on Sunday and Monday. She missed one day's dose. I was able to track them down and get thekm into the right hands. It was frightening to janet and me, since this medicine is not commonly available and is the sole thing attacking the cancer at the moment since we cannot do the chemo or resume the radiation. Each day is like this: some crisis or critical decision making, or bureaucratic problem or medical setback. There is no rest.
Aleta came in and covered from 2 pm until early evening. Joan Chouili came in mid evening, but was concerned about Janet's status. Janet is not in imminent threat of death, but she is vulnerable and possibly suffering at times if the nurses do not pay attention. During the day, the care was superb and professional, but at night it may be a different situation. At this moment, Aleta is rushing back to the hospital to check. If need be, she will summon me for an all night vigil. If problems like these continue, our small family may need some help. Janet's mother had to return to Hartford since her medications were running out.

I must now order some new Tarceva before I forget tonight. The hospital may overlook it or there may be another snafu.

So the doctors are not optimistic, but I have been told that in cases like these, miracles do occur. Please keep the prayers and thoughts coming in.
Our poor gal so badly needs a positive break...........

george sr.


Tamara said...

Thank you George for continuing to communicate with us. If you need non family members to stay by Janet's side and to monitor hospital activity, please feel free to call on me: 301-424-9262 or email me.

Clover girl said...

George starting July 25th, if that's a Friday, I can be at your disposal weekends Friday's through late Sunday afternoons. I could drive home Sunday evenings to be back to work Mondays. Should the need arise, I will complete my teaching year Aug. 15th, and will have two weeks which are all yours if you/ Janet could use the hand. I know we've barely seen each other, but that has never diminished my love for my family. My family is my family, and always deeply in my heart. I leave it to your discretion, but truly just say the word. I do have experience caring for the medically fragile as well. Maria Matheson

Stream said...

God moves in mysterious ways yet Love always offers the guiding light.
Thank you for reaching out and including us.
My prayers are with you all.

Athanasia said...

Dear George, Aleta, GW and Janet's mom,

I am at your disposal. Do not hesitate to call on me for any help. It will be my honor.

I will pray for the miracle to happen. Janet is a wonderful person; and totally deserves it. You are all in my heart.


Barbara Duval said...

George and Janet,
Say the word, and I will be there for you guys. My phone number is 860-428-5022 and my email is
I am not working, I have talked this over with my husband, and I have had experience with this, as you know.
Love you all,

Unknown said...

If you need food prepped or other chores done while mom is out of town (or even when she comes back) just let me know, Heidi and I are more than willing to help. It's been a while since I've mowed a lawn larger than a postage stamp, but I'm sure I remember how.

I'd even be willing to swing by with my guitar and try a lullaby.
(Instrumental - my singing voice would probably put someone to sleep the same way a fast moving rock would).

Anonymous said...

Hi George,

Please let me know if you need an extra person to help.


My phone numbers are: 301-975-5141 work
240-477-8830 home, and 240-731-2314 cell

Claudia said...

George, please call me at home if you need help caring for Janet. You can reach me at 301-916-3947. Take care, Claudia