My dear friends,
We just received word that a beautiful person, Dr. Janet B. Quinn, also known as Aliya, passed away at about 4:00 am on Saturday morning in the hospice.
My brother James Quinn and Janet's dear dance friend Colleen Hood were with her through the evening and were with her at the final moment.
May she rest in peace.
george d. quinn
ADDENDA 1: at 7:05 am:
We will arrange for Janet to be cremated and a funeral Mass to be held next week, probably on Wednesday at Our Lady of the Visitation Parish in Darnestown, MD. It is just off route 28. I am trying to contact the parish priest now.
ADDENDA 2: My brother, who is a professional fireman from Boston, told me that she was breathing regularly throughout the night with small gasps. The breathing rate seemed fine and was not of too much concern to us or the hospice nurse, but we knew that anything could happen. On Friday one physician told me that she could last for as much as 3 months, another said she may have days. When I left her at 10 pm, we were told that she probably would make it through the night, but Joan Chouili was less sure and prepared me for the possibility Janet would not make it. Joan, as she so many times through this whole sad affair, was right.
The final moment occurred when she did not take an extra breath, but just stopped breathing. It was a peaceful stress free moment. She was in no pain and was asleep. GW, Aleta and I are at peace knowing that Janet did not suffer at the end.
God bless you all.
george sr.
Dear George, Aleta and GW,
I was just finishing a project to present to Janet, when I logged on and read this horrible news.
I'm deeply saddened to hear that we've lost Janet. Although in many ways, we'll never lose her. As trite as it sounds, Janet has touched too many people to be truly gone.
I can only say that I'm truly sorry, and please know you're all in my thougths and prayers. It goes without saying, that you're all considered family, and if you need anything, you need only ask...
Dear George, GW and Aleta,
I am so sorry. No words can express the saddness for the loss of Janet. May God comfort you. If you need anything please let me know.
Love and peace to all of you,
Janet has been one of my best friends since coming to this state. She taught me so much about life, and science, and dogged persistence. I share the grief that you must feel at levels beyond my comprehension. I hope you know that this door will never be closed to any of you; Janet shared enough stories and anecdotes to make you seem like family to me.
In love, friendship, and mourning,
George and family -
Our hearts go out to you. I take some consolation from the fact that Janet left us as she lived among us - with grace, courage and her loved ones. She was always trying to teach me, and there's another lesson here I suspect
Sundar (with Claire and Ranga)
George, Aleta, GW, and the rest of the Quinn family,
May God bless Janet's soul and watch over her. She is free of her body and is dancing in Heaven now.
Quinn Family,
I'm saddened by your family's loss. Please know that you all are in my thoughts & prayers.
Lisa Yee
It is Saturday morning and like every morning for the last week I just finished reading the blog.
I have mixed feelings. On one hand sadness for knowing that Janet has left, but at the same time the comfort of knowing that physical suffering has ended.
Human language is limited because there are no words that people can say in these circumstances that can truly comfort those who have lost somebody, and only those who have lost a close relative (parent, child or spouse) know what that means.
You should know that we have prayed and will continue praying for Janet, for you and your family.
Edgar Lara-Curzio and your friends and colleagues at ORNL
George, Aleta and GW,
Janet has touched each of us and has made us all better people. Even in her last days she gave us lessons in dignity and grace. I will miss her and never forget her.
God bless the Quinn family and thank you for sharing her with us.
Dear George, Aleta and GW,
I am so sorry for your pain and your loss. Even I who had not known her for long, felt I wanted more of her, for what I had come to know was sweet, and valiant, and wise.
But she has gone to her rightful place, by His side, and will watch over you, and smile. I am glad that her final moments were peaceful, and pain-free. He took her as soon as she was ready, so that she would not suffer any longer.
May He put strength and peace in your hearts, and shower you with His grace.
"For we are eternally Our Maker's, and unto Him we return". Amen.
Dear George, Aleta and GW,
Ofer and I are deeply saddened to know that Janet is not with us anymore. She was so smart and nice and brave to the end. Her strength and courage were an example and inspiration to all who knew her. Our thoughts and prayers go out to all of you from Israel.
Naomi and Ofer
Dear Quinn's family,
I am deeply saddened by this news this morning and I would like to express my sorrow in this blog. I still could accept that she is gone! But I believe she is with God now! I miss her.
My prayers are with Quinn family and may God bless you all and comfort you. Janet will be alive in our hearts.
I miss you Janet!
To know Janet was to love her. I loved her and will miss her. I am so sorry for you George, Aleta and GW and your family members.
I send my love and hugs and condolences through my tears.
This is a sad moment for bellydancers who knew her and those who attended many bellydance events, like myself, that watched her perform.
She was always a cheerful and happy soul who enjoyed herself and no more important than passing on her knowledge of the dance and being a beaming, proud mom to her daughter Aleta, for which her dancing and memory will truly live on.
She leaves us knowing that she had left a wonderful impression on many people and hopes that all in her family knows how much she was appreciated.
My deepest sympathies, as well as taking a moment during this time to also celebrate the time she had on this earth and remember the happiness she tried to bring to so many people through her dancing efforts.
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