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Friday, July 11, 2008

Tips for tea

Dear Jane

For an OTC tea I like Celestial Seasonings Honey Lemon Green Tea. The flavors of honey and lemon are both very muted and it is not decaffinated. For a theraputic drink:
One cup boiling water
Juice of half a lime
2 Tbsp fresh, grated ginger
1 tsp cayenne pepper
Pour boiling water over lime, ginger, pepper and let steep for 5 min. Strain and drink.

It is spicy but not too bad and it really thins the mucus sucretions and sooths a sore throat.
Be careful with any of the herbal blends that contain eucaliptus (I bet I didn't spell that right) because there can be drug interations and unpleasant side effects.

Love, Linda

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