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Monday, June 30, 2008
Good luck tomorrow at the oncologist.
Dear Janet. I have a intestinal health and colon care product from the Vitamin Shop. It is called fiber blend and it is made from fruits and veggies. The capsules contain fibers from all 6 fiber groups, cellulose, pectin, gums, and mucilages, hemicellulose and lignin. I have used the product and really like it a lot. If you would like I will be happy to drop it by tomorrow. If you need anything else please let me know. Much love Marta
I'm back!
Hello Beautiful Supporters!
I am still a little woozy and exhausted, but finally well enough to start doing a few basic things for myself - like post this!
Yesterday was very bad - we made an emergency run to Holy Cross Hospital and didn't get home until early this morning. Too much blood thinner - a score of over ten on the INR scale, with other problems. I was in agony. Today, however, everything is finally getting under control.
I can't tell you how much your support has meant to us.
Repeated thank yous seem so inadequate!
Tomorrow I meet with an oncologist.
I am still a little woozy and exhausted, but finally well enough to start doing a few basic things for myself - like post this!
Yesterday was very bad - we made an emergency run to Holy Cross Hospital and didn't get home until early this morning. Too much blood thinner - a score of over ten on the INR scale, with other problems. I was in agony. Today, however, everything is finally getting under control.
I can't tell you how much your support has meant to us.
Repeated thank yous seem so inadequate!
Tomorrow I meet with an oncologist.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Yesterday's problem got worse
From George, Sr. on Saturday evening,
I am sad to say that the constipation problem became severe today. She did not sleep on Friday night due to the discomfort and pain. On Saturday morning I rushed her to the Kaiser urgent care center in Kennsington. A friendly physician's assistant immediately took dramatic steps to partially resolve it. We were able to go home with partial relief, but it required quite a few more painful steps at home to clear up this problem. Janet was in discomfort and pain for the entire day until her system cleared out. The strong pain relief medications cause this problem, and although we had one other prescription to offset it, it was inadequate. So, another medication adjustment must be made. All of this and the illness itself have been a terrible shock to her system. Each day seems to bring either some anxious moments or some trial or tribulation. It is physically and mentally exhausting for both of us. She is strong, but all of this is taking a toll. I am doing what I can to keep her spirits up, but when I am tired, I have lapses too. I must guard against such moments of weakness. She needs us to be resolute to help her in her struggle.
The visit to Kennsington today was poignant. It was exactly 4 weeks ago at the same clinic that we first learned she was seriuosly ill. We had no idea at all. In that one moment, our lives changed forever.
On a more positive note, we thank the HR dancers for sending a nice card with personalized messages!
We are hopeful that Janet will finally get some rest on Sunday.
I am sad to say that the constipation problem became severe today. She did not sleep on Friday night due to the discomfort and pain. On Saturday morning I rushed her to the Kaiser urgent care center in Kennsington. A friendly physician's assistant immediately took dramatic steps to partially resolve it. We were able to go home with partial relief, but it required quite a few more painful steps at home to clear up this problem. Janet was in discomfort and pain for the entire day until her system cleared out. The strong pain relief medications cause this problem, and although we had one other prescription to offset it, it was inadequate. So, another medication adjustment must be made. All of this and the illness itself have been a terrible shock to her system. Each day seems to bring either some anxious moments or some trial or tribulation. It is physically and mentally exhausting for both of us. She is strong, but all of this is taking a toll. I am doing what I can to keep her spirits up, but when I am tired, I have lapses too. I must guard against such moments of weakness. She needs us to be resolute to help her in her struggle.
The visit to Kennsington today was poignant. It was exactly 4 weeks ago at the same clinic that we first learned she was seriuosly ill. We had no idea at all. In that one moment, our lives changed forever.
On a more positive note, we thank the HR dancers for sending a nice card with personalized messages!
We are hopeful that Janet will finally get some rest on Sunday.
Friday, June 27, 2008
More Good News but Some Worries
Hello friends,
Today was a day of rest and recovery from yesterday's important visit to Hopkins.
The Kaiser senior oncologist gave us a rush appointment for next Tuesday. He also called Janet on the phone in the afternoon and discussed her case and her medication concerns for 15 minutes. He changed the medication schedule (we had already started to adjust it on our own) and made some recommendations to deal with our mounting concerns about constipation. He also told us that he was in complete agreement with the Hopkins physician and would start the chemo with the tarceva included next week. So this is the good news of the day: she will get state of the art treatment with close supervision by the Kaiser oncologist with the Johns Hopkins senior physician keeping an eye on things.
Janet is coping with a bad constipation problem today. Constipation is a common side effect of the pain control medications she is using. She had been using a prescription medication to offset this, but it was inadequate. Joan came by and prescribed prune juice which I fetched and administered. It wasn't enough and we had to call a Kaiser hot line this evening. An on-call oncologist called us and made some recommendations. We have to be careful not to hurt Janet or trigger any bleeding because of all the blood thinner medicine she is getting for the lung clot. Each day seems to bring some problem like this just as we solve some other problem. So let us hope the constipation is relieved tonight and that Janet can get some good rest this weekend in preparation for the rigors of next week.
george q.
Today was a day of rest and recovery from yesterday's important visit to Hopkins.
The Kaiser senior oncologist gave us a rush appointment for next Tuesday. He also called Janet on the phone in the afternoon and discussed her case and her medication concerns for 15 minutes. He changed the medication schedule (we had already started to adjust it on our own) and made some recommendations to deal with our mounting concerns about constipation. He also told us that he was in complete agreement with the Hopkins physician and would start the chemo with the tarceva included next week. So this is the good news of the day: she will get state of the art treatment with close supervision by the Kaiser oncologist with the Johns Hopkins senior physician keeping an eye on things.
Janet is coping with a bad constipation problem today. Constipation is a common side effect of the pain control medications she is using. She had been using a prescription medication to offset this, but it was inadequate. Joan came by and prescribed prune juice which I fetched and administered. It wasn't enough and we had to call a Kaiser hot line this evening. An on-call oncologist called us and made some recommendations. We have to be careful not to hurt Janet or trigger any bleeding because of all the blood thinner medicine she is getting for the lung clot. Each day seems to bring some problem like this just as we solve some other problem. So let us hope the constipation is relieved tonight and that Janet can get some good rest this weekend in preparation for the rigors of next week.
george q.
Hello Janet,
I hope that you’re feeling better today, and looking forward to spending the weekend at home with your family. It was a painful shock to hear the news, but of course you are tackling things with a gutsy winner attitude that I am completely in awe of. Do try to take it easy and gather your strength for the next phase. I hope to be able to visit you soon, but in the meantime, you are always in my thoughts and prayers. Take good care, and stay positive.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
From Maria Henderson

Dear Janet:
Look how beautiful and full of energy you are!! I was amazed to see how much energy you had. After picking me up at around 3:30 PM at the hospital in Rockville, and then driving for 2 hours ½ stocked on rush hour traffic; we arrived to your friend’s house in Severna Park. Then, you changed into your custom and drove another 45 minutes to the weeding where you had to perform. Followed by a beautiful performance and looking so refreshing and vigorous, we continued our trip to Rakassah arriving in Somerset about 1:00 PM in the morning.
Aliya, I have to say you are one of the most beautiful and dynamic dancers that I have ever seen in my lifetime with such a compassionate heart and a loving soft spirit. These qualities reminded me of the guardian angels that are here on earth to protect us.
I want to dedicate this message on this very special day on your birthday.
All my love to you and your family!!
Look how beautiful and full of energy you are!! I was amazed to see how much energy you had. After picking me up at around 3:30 PM at the hospital in Rockville, and then driving for 2 hours ½ stocked on rush hour traffic; we arrived to your friend’s house in Severna Park. Then, you changed into your custom and drove another 45 minutes to the weeding where you had to perform. Followed by a beautiful performance and looking so refreshing and vigorous, we continued our trip to Rakassah arriving in Somerset about 1:00 PM in the morning.
Aliya, I have to say you are one of the most beautiful and dynamic dancers that I have ever seen in my lifetime with such a compassionate heart and a loving soft spirit. These qualities reminded me of the guardian angels that are here on earth to protect us.
I want to dedicate this message on this very special day on your birthday.
All my love to you and your family!!
Im so happy your home!!!
Important Visit to Johns Hopkins on Thursday
Dear Friends, this is George Sr. on Thursday evening.
Today Janet and I met Dr. Ettinger, the senior lung cancer oncologist specialist at Johns Hopkins, for over 1 hour. Dr. Ettinger reviewed her case carefully and he talked directly with her for a long time. He quickly got into some technical details. Since we had read about the treatments beforehand, we understood what he was talking about. Our son GW was very helpful in helping us research the chemo options. Surgery and radiation treatments are not possible for Janet due to the spread of the cancer. Also, since there being a blood clot in Janet’s non cancerous lung, one key chemical and treatment path using the drug Avastin is closed to her. They also did not have a clinical trial that was suitable for Janet.
The best option is to go with a standard first line chemo treatment, but with Tarceva as an extra element. Tarceva has been shown to be very effective with nonsmokers who have the type of cancer that Janet has. We could get that treatment at Hopkins, but he felt that we could do just as well getting it locally at a Kaiser clinic. He then called the chief Kaiser oncologist for our area, who is one of his former students, and talked directly on the phone with him about this. Dr. Ettinger the said that he wanted to continue to monitor and consult on Janet’s case. It was a pleasure for us to meet Dr. Ettinger, who is very experienced, candid, and helpful.
So on the one hand, Janet is not suitable for an advanced clinical trial, but even these are pot luck and are risky. She had apprehensions about such. We had hoped that Hopkins might take her into their bosom, but he saw no special advantage in doing that. So what we got today was an excellent second opinion, a clear treatment path that we understand and agree with, and oversight by one of the world’s foremost authorities on lung cancer treatment. Hopefully Kaiser will follow through. Knowing we have a leading authority backing us up gives us peace of mind.
So Janet is resting well. We had a scare last night since she was short of breath and had some coughing most of the night. That could have been a very bad sign of her lung refilling with fluid, but Dr. Ettinger listened to her lung with the stethoscope and assured us that that was not the case. I think Janet simply was in a stuffy room where we didn’t have enough ventilation. So this is a period of recovery and strength building as we prepare her for chemo therapy. We hope to hear tomorrow about an appointment with the Kaiser oncologist to start the next phase.
Special thanks again to Joan Chouili for helping us get fast tracked to Dr. Ettinger at Hopkins. We also thank Maura Burke Vanderzon (a friend of Amanda Forster at NIST) who also encouraged us to contact him, Naomi Eidelman at Paffenbarger Research center at NIST, and Nabila who all encouraged us to contact him. Others of you encouraged us to get up to Hopkins too, and we will thank all of you in turn.
I’m glad our son George Walter (GW) made the blog entry for last night. He writes well.
Love and prayers are still welcome!
Goodnight all, George Senior 10:35 pm Thursday
Today Janet and I met Dr. Ettinger, the senior lung cancer oncologist specialist at Johns Hopkins, for over 1 hour. Dr. Ettinger reviewed her case carefully and he talked directly with her for a long time. He quickly got into some technical details. Since we had read about the treatments beforehand, we understood what he was talking about. Our son GW was very helpful in helping us research the chemo options. Surgery and radiation treatments are not possible for Janet due to the spread of the cancer. Also, since there being a blood clot in Janet’s non cancerous lung, one key chemical and treatment path using the drug Avastin is closed to her. They also did not have a clinical trial that was suitable for Janet.
The best option is to go with a standard first line chemo treatment, but with Tarceva as an extra element. Tarceva has been shown to be very effective with nonsmokers who have the type of cancer that Janet has. We could get that treatment at Hopkins, but he felt that we could do just as well getting it locally at a Kaiser clinic. He then called the chief Kaiser oncologist for our area, who is one of his former students, and talked directly on the phone with him about this. Dr. Ettinger the said that he wanted to continue to monitor and consult on Janet’s case. It was a pleasure for us to meet Dr. Ettinger, who is very experienced, candid, and helpful.
So on the one hand, Janet is not suitable for an advanced clinical trial, but even these are pot luck and are risky. She had apprehensions about such. We had hoped that Hopkins might take her into their bosom, but he saw no special advantage in doing that. So what we got today was an excellent second opinion, a clear treatment path that we understand and agree with, and oversight by one of the world’s foremost authorities on lung cancer treatment. Hopefully Kaiser will follow through. Knowing we have a leading authority backing us up gives us peace of mind.
So Janet is resting well. We had a scare last night since she was short of breath and had some coughing most of the night. That could have been a very bad sign of her lung refilling with fluid, but Dr. Ettinger listened to her lung with the stethoscope and assured us that that was not the case. I think Janet simply was in a stuffy room where we didn’t have enough ventilation. So this is a period of recovery and strength building as we prepare her for chemo therapy. We hope to hear tomorrow about an appointment with the Kaiser oncologist to start the next phase.
Special thanks again to Joan Chouili for helping us get fast tracked to Dr. Ettinger at Hopkins. We also thank Maura Burke Vanderzon (a friend of Amanda Forster at NIST) who also encouraged us to contact him, Naomi Eidelman at Paffenbarger Research center at NIST, and Nabila who all encouraged us to contact him. Others of you encouraged us to get up to Hopkins too, and we will thank all of you in turn.
I’m glad our son George Walter (GW) made the blog entry for last night. He writes well.
Love and prayers are still welcome!
Goodnight all, George Senior 10:35 pm Thursday
Johns Hopkins
Janet I know you must know that all of us who love you are so happy you'll be going to Hopkins today. I hope and pray that all goes well and that you come home energized and clear about the next steps to take.
Much love and always warm shimmies,
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
2nd day at Home
I visited my mother today. I try not to visit her two days in a row, but I wanted to know what was going on with regard to the Hopkins appointment tomorrow.
My mother is doing fine. Yesterday she was pretty enervated, but today I saw her perform some routine tasks around the house, such as wash her hair, and check the computer. She says she watched the Youtube video of the gay bellydancer posted by Manda. I also hear she is eating well. On the down side, she was frequently out of breath, and she says she can feel blood in her lung. I'm not exactly sure what she means by that. It's important that she regain her strength so that she can endure chemotherapy.
My mother's legs are bloated from edema. I don't fully understand what caused the edema, but I suspect a major cause is all of the IV bags the nurses were emptying into her. While at the hopsital, the nurses also tried to strap an oxygen mask to my mom's face, but she wouldn't have it, because it would only make her more dependent on the hospital machines. My mom planned to leave that place, and even a partially collapsed lung was not enough to stop her.
My mom also wanted to leave the hospital so that she could make the Hopkins appointment tomorrow. After the appointment, I hope we will know how to proceed, and what clinical trials she is applicable for.
Thanks to everyone who has posted to this blog, and thanks to those who have not posted but are reading out of concern for my mother. My parents requested that I thank Joan specifically for stopping by my mom's house earlier today to check on her.
My mother is doing fine. Yesterday she was pretty enervated, but today I saw her perform some routine tasks around the house, such as wash her hair, and check the computer. She says she watched the Youtube video of the gay bellydancer posted by Manda. I also hear she is eating well. On the down side, she was frequently out of breath, and she says she can feel blood in her lung. I'm not exactly sure what she means by that. It's important that she regain her strength so that she can endure chemotherapy.
My mother's legs are bloated from edema. I don't fully understand what caused the edema, but I suspect a major cause is all of the IV bags the nurses were emptying into her. While at the hopsital, the nurses also tried to strap an oxygen mask to my mom's face, but she wouldn't have it, because it would only make her more dependent on the hospital machines. My mom planned to leave that place, and even a partially collapsed lung was not enough to stop her.
My mom also wanted to leave the hospital so that she could make the Hopkins appointment tomorrow. After the appointment, I hope we will know how to proceed, and what clinical trials she is applicable for.
Thanks to everyone who has posted to this blog, and thanks to those who have not posted but are reading out of concern for my mother. My parents requested that I thank Joan specifically for stopping by my mom's house earlier today to check on her.
You are in my prayers
Dear Janet, I pray the you will get the best news from the doctors at Hopkins tomorrow. Miracles happen all the time, stay strong. GOD bless you, love Marta
Peace at Home sweet home
Dear Janet and George,
we are so glad to know that you have been given a few days to rest in your own space.
I hope that even though you feel the need to be well prepared for the next phase in this journey you can find time to be in quiet communion away from all concerns. Sages all agree: The future is always shrouded in mystery; peace is presence in the moment.
Love is healing power.
we are so glad to know that you have been given a few days to rest in your own space.
I hope that even though you feel the need to be well prepared for the next phase in this journey you can find time to be in quiet communion away from all concerns. Sages all agree: The future is always shrouded in mystery; peace is presence in the moment.
Love is healing power.
Home Sweet Home
Janet and George,
It's great your home; and everything is under control. Isn't it nice.
I like your systematic organization; the way you are doing things and staying on top of it; it is improtant. This moves everything along quicker.
I can only say I wish the best for your health, Janet; and you pull through like a champ. I am glad you have the opportunity to do the trials. I know you will be accepted.
You have my prayers and love. Be strong and take care.
It's great your home; and everything is under control. Isn't it nice.
I like your systematic organization; the way you are doing things and staying on top of it; it is improtant. This moves everything along quicker.
I can only say I wish the best for your health, Janet; and you pull through like a champ. I am glad you have the opportunity to do the trials. I know you will be accepted.
You have my prayers and love. Be strong and take care.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Home sweet home
Iam so happy that you finally are home. You are in my thoughts and prayers constantly. I wish for the best outcome at Hopkins on thursday.I miss you so much and can't wait to dance with you again. George is doing a great job with his daily reports and pictures. Much love, Marta
Janet is home on Tuesday evening
Hello all,
Janet was discharged from the hospital on Tuesday afternoon, but it was a close call. She had a difficult Monday night with discomfort and pain until it was brought under control with medication. They checked her bad lung in the morning to see how it was doing after the catheter drain tube was extracted yesterday. Today they were worried about a small collapse in the top. In such situations, it is common to hold the patient over and reinsert a tube to reinflate the lung. The doctors decided that it was small and we will not resort to that. So Janet was allowed to return home tonight and tomorrow so that she can rest prior to her important consultatio at Hopkins on Thursday morning. We hope there will be a good clinical trial that she will qualify for.
So Janet is resting quietly, getting a little exercise, getting some good food from her mother who is now here with us, and doing some reading. We have a lot of medications for her and I was careful to get clear instructions on how to apply them. I was with Janet the entire day today. She will likely spend some of her time on Wednesday looking at some of the chemo options and clinical trial information in order to prepare for the meeting. So we all hope she can get a good night's rest.
My son G.W. and I have compiled a lot of information into a well organized 3-ring binder. It includes information about the chemo options from a variety of sources, including from many of you out there who were kind enough to send it to us. For the moment, we are focusing on standard chemo treatments and clinical trail chemo options, but I have been saving and filing information on alternative treatments too. When Janet is stabilized enough by the primary treatments, we might look at the alternative treatments as a supplement. If she is in a clinical trail, they may request that we not use such alternative treatments though, lest it upset the controls of the clinical trial experiments.
Good night dear friends.
Janet was discharged from the hospital on Tuesday afternoon, but it was a close call. She had a difficult Monday night with discomfort and pain until it was brought under control with medication. They checked her bad lung in the morning to see how it was doing after the catheter drain tube was extracted yesterday. Today they were worried about a small collapse in the top. In such situations, it is common to hold the patient over and reinsert a tube to reinflate the lung. The doctors decided that it was small and we will not resort to that. So Janet was allowed to return home tonight and tomorrow so that she can rest prior to her important consultatio at Hopkins on Thursday morning. We hope there will be a good clinical trial that she will qualify for.
So Janet is resting quietly, getting a little exercise, getting some good food from her mother who is now here with us, and doing some reading. We have a lot of medications for her and I was careful to get clear instructions on how to apply them. I was with Janet the entire day today. She will likely spend some of her time on Wednesday looking at some of the chemo options and clinical trial information in order to prepare for the meeting. So we all hope she can get a good night's rest.
My son G.W. and I have compiled a lot of information into a well organized 3-ring binder. It includes information about the chemo options from a variety of sources, including from many of you out there who were kind enough to send it to us. For the moment, we are focusing on standard chemo treatments and clinical trail chemo options, but I have been saving and filing information on alternative treatments too. When Janet is stabilized enough by the primary treatments, we might look at the alternative treatments as a supplement. If she is in a clinical trail, they may request that we not use such alternative treatments though, lest it upset the controls of the clinical trial experiments.
Good night dear friends.
Monday, June 23, 2008
Wonderful News!!!!!!!!!
hello Everyone,
Wonderful news!
Today they decided that Janet had recovered enough to disconnect the catheter. Yes, she got down to 275 ml/24 hours drainage from the right lung. Doctor Barry Levin, the thoracic surgeon, carefully reviewed his notes and studied our own data charts. Yes, we had been meticulously plotting the data for many days now. He made the decision. Special thanks also go to Kaiser internal medicine doctors Ira Rabin and Wright.
The left lung blot clot appears to be stabilized. She has some fluid build up, but is starting to work it off. So things have taken a turn for the better. The doctors and Janet have decided to give her a chance on her own! They are preparing to send her home, possibly as early as Tuesday, with medications and the hope that she will be able to make the Thursday appointment at Hopkins. I don’t think that it was an accident they made this decision on her birthday. It just fit so well.
What a remarkable turnaround! A few days ago she was in jeopardy. She was told that less fit patients might have spirled downward. Of course we will monitor her carefully, and they will check her carefully before they let her go, but let us be optimistic. She is!
So the prayers and wishes have been answered!
So tonight the family came together for a true celebration. Thanks to all of you who sent greetings via the blog or cards in the mail. We had fun going through them. Janet, Janet’s mother Florence, Aleta, George Walter and his girl friend Alana and I all came. The nurses came in and sang Happy Birthday with us. We restrained our visit so as to aviod exhausting Janet, but she was happy to see us all there. The photo shows me, Janet, Aleta and G.W. Janet is on her feet and free of the cursed drain chord.
Everyone is keen on getting her to Hopkins including the Kaiser doctors and clinical trial coordinators. Janet’s spirit and drive have prevailed. The thoracic surgeon said that they would not have done this or taken the chance for most patients, but Janet is the exception. I cannot tell you how many times over the last week that physicians and Joan and Robin have told us that patient attitude makes a big difference. Positive attitudes contribute tangibly to a patient's healing and also energizes the doctors. We should all remember this as we face our own trials and tribulations.
Thank you all so much for your love, help, and support!
OK, let’s see if she really does get released and let’s give her some time to rest.
With any luck, she will be able to write these blog entries soon, but please don’t flood her with phone calls or visits just yet! Stay tuned…………
george, sr.
Wonderful news!
Today they decided that Janet had recovered enough to disconnect the catheter. Yes, she got down to 275 ml/24 hours drainage from the right lung. Doctor Barry Levin, the thoracic surgeon, carefully reviewed his notes and studied our own data charts. Yes, we had been meticulously plotting the data for many days now. He made the decision. Special thanks also go to Kaiser internal medicine doctors Ira Rabin and Wright.
The left lung blot clot appears to be stabilized. She has some fluid build up, but is starting to work it off. So things have taken a turn for the better. The doctors and Janet have decided to give her a chance on her own! They are preparing to send her home, possibly as early as Tuesday, with medications and the hope that she will be able to make the Thursday appointment at Hopkins. I don’t think that it was an accident they made this decision on her birthday. It just fit so well.
What a remarkable turnaround! A few days ago she was in jeopardy. She was told that less fit patients might have spirled downward. Of course we will monitor her carefully, and they will check her carefully before they let her go, but let us be optimistic. She is!
So the prayers and wishes have been answered!
So tonight the family came together for a true celebration. Thanks to all of you who sent greetings via the blog or cards in the mail. We had fun going through them. Janet, Janet’s mother Florence, Aleta, George Walter and his girl friend Alana and I all came. The nurses came in and sang Happy Birthday with us. We restrained our visit so as to aviod exhausting Janet, but she was happy to see us all there. The photo shows me, Janet, Aleta and G.W. Janet is on her feet and free of the cursed drain chord.
Everyone is keen on getting her to Hopkins including the Kaiser doctors and clinical trial coordinators. Janet’s spirit and drive have prevailed. The thoracic surgeon said that they would not have done this or taken the chance for most patients, but Janet is the exception. I cannot tell you how many times over the last week that physicians and Joan and Robin have told us that patient attitude makes a big difference. Positive attitudes contribute tangibly to a patient's healing and also energizes the doctors. We should all remember this as we face our own trials and tribulations.
Thank you all so much for your love, help, and support!
OK, let’s see if she really does get released and let’s give her some time to rest.
With any luck, she will be able to write these blog entries soon, but please don’t flood her with phone calls or visits just yet! Stay tuned…………
george, sr.
Happy Birthday
Eid milaad saeed (arabic), Dogum gunun kutlu olsun (turkish), Happy Birthday!
Have a blessed day. I hope that you are able to make your appointment this week and start treatment soon. Each day will seem to have its challenges but you will take them on, one by one!
We miss you in Nadirah's class! I hope one day you can join us again in dance.
Have a blessed day. I hope that you are able to make your appointment this week and start treatment soon. Each day will seem to have its challenges but you will take them on, one by one!
We miss you in Nadirah's class! I hope one day you can join us again in dance.
Happy Birthday
Dear, Janet: Good birthday wishes that things go well and you can head off to Hopkins soon. We all miss you here at work very much. My morning's just not the same without seeing that yellow mustang in the parking lot! I'm also missing my "in house" dance supporter! ---Christine
Happy Birthday Mrs. Quinn
In learning the news on Friday, my heart sank. I have known The Quinn's for a long time, and her son GW is one of my oldest and dearest friends. Mr. and Mrs. Quinn, GW, Aleta my thoughts and prayers are with you, during this trying time. If you need anything from me don't hesitate to ask for one second. Stay strong, and just know I love you guys. I hope you have a happy birthday Mrs. Quinn.
Dearest Janet,
Happy, Happy, Happy Birthday! You are truly the most beautiful of all of the beautiful dancers! I hope all of your birthday wishes come true. There is not a day that goes by that I do not think of you. And although I think of this very trying time, I also laugh and remember all the fun that I have had dancing with you. I think of all the wonderful music that you have shared with the dancers and it makes me smile tremendously when I play the music in my car and my son tries to sing and dance along with the words that he doesn't even understand. Jonathan's arms make beautiful flying and swaying motions while he is in the carseat. He loves watching all the dancers perform and I have a host of wonderful pictures that he has taken of everyone. Thanks for sharing these wonderful times with me. I also have the joy of dancing around the room to Desert Wind with my son (I use him as a veil - he loves it). I wish all the best for you on your birthday. You deserve it. Pop a few balloons - its fun!
Take care Janet. Lots of love,
Happy, Happy, Happy Birthday! You are truly the most beautiful of all of the beautiful dancers! I hope all of your birthday wishes come true. There is not a day that goes by that I do not think of you. And although I think of this very trying time, I also laugh and remember all the fun that I have had dancing with you. I think of all the wonderful music that you have shared with the dancers and it makes me smile tremendously when I play the music in my car and my son tries to sing and dance along with the words that he doesn't even understand. Jonathan's arms make beautiful flying and swaying motions while he is in the carseat. He loves watching all the dancers perform and I have a host of wonderful pictures that he has taken of everyone. Thanks for sharing these wonderful times with me. I also have the joy of dancing around the room to Desert Wind with my son (I use him as a veil - he loves it). I wish all the best for you on your birthday. You deserve it. Pop a few balloons - its fun!
Take care Janet. Lots of love,
Happy Birthday
Dear Aliya-
My birthday wish for you today is to get out of Holy Cross and on to Hopkins! I know this wish will come true. BTW- I never saw you in the golden yellow outfit pictured in the blog. You look gorgeous in it.
My birthday wish for you today is to get out of Holy Cross and on to Hopkins! I know this wish will come true. BTW- I never saw you in the golden yellow outfit pictured in the blog. You look gorgeous in it.
Happy Birthday Janet!
I thought I'd read George's email incorrectly. I told everyone about my beautiful belly dance instructor in her early forties who is also a Middle Eastern Dance scholar and fractographer....I wish you sweet breath and health and a quiet and responsive lung and most importantly that you are able to leave the hospital soon. I do hope to see you soon as well.
Much love and warm shimmies,
Maria sent me photos to post on the blog and I will do so a little later on tomorrow. They are beautiful photos of you doing your cane dance in your orange costume. Beautiful!
Sunday, June 22, 2008
How to get connected to the Janet's Health blog
Hello friends,
Several of you have told me via email that you are not sure how to get connected to the blog. I confess I don't remember exactly how to do it. My son GW helped me get established as a contributor. Several others of you have figured it out.
Please contact our son GW by email at:
if you need help. There apparently is a simple "invitation" message that he can send you that wil help you get connected.
george quinn, sr.
Several of you have told me via email that you are not sure how to get connected to the blog. I confess I don't remember exactly how to do it. My son GW helped me get established as a contributor. Several others of you have figured it out.
Please contact our son GW by email at:
if you need help. There apparently is a simple "invitation" message that he can send you that wil help you get connected.
george quinn, sr.
The battle continues!
From George at 9:25 pm, Sunday night,
Janet’s fight continues. Her spirit is strong but she is a little weak. The doctors are monitoring her carefully at Holy Cross and everyone is hoping to get her ship shape to go to Hopkins on Thursday. We had hoped that she would be discharged this weekend, but alas, it was not to be. The right lung is still draining. It is at a much lower rate than last week. It may yet be too much to allow the drain to be disconnected and the doctors may wish to take some different action on Monday. Decisions will have to be made. I will go in the morning to help.
In the meantime, Janet was feeling well enough to let me take a couple of pictures. I have written about her wonderful view, so here it is. Also, you’ll see her bulletin board which has the name of her nurse listed for a particular shift. Notice all the pictures especially with the dancers. The picture of her on the top right shows her in orange at the Pennsylvania dance camp the 3rd week of May.
Thanks to Artemus for sending us the print copies earlier in the week. It buoyed Janet’s spirits! I like her better in turquoise as shown on the bottom left. There is also a group photo of her and her students from the dental fractography course that she taught with Susanne Scherrer at the end of May. This was the very last thing Janet did before being stricken. Imagine that: one week dancer, next week technical instructor. She’s a pretty good wife and mother too! Janet points out that this is the most popular patient bulletin board on the floor and the nurses love to look at the pictures. They also give the nurses a sense of who Janet is.

The third picture shows Janet in bed with her lovely smile. This smile reflects her true character, how she feels. Yet please do not be lulled into a false sense of security. She is in pain and is weak. Her life hangs in the balance. We must stabilize her.
So tomorrow, June 23rd is Janet’s 29th (or 58th) birthday. (I agree Stream! She looks half her age.) Her close family will congregate, but the meeting will have to be short. There is a possibility they will do a procedure on her tomorrow or Tuesday. If so, there is the chance that her Hopkins appointment may get pushed back yet again. We hope and pray not. Janet’s 82 year old mother is on her way from Hartford. She should arrive here in Gaithersburg any moment now. Janet’s brother from Hartford is coming tomorrow. Janet, Aleta, George Walter and I will have our photo taken and post it tomorrow night.

What does one get for Janet who is confined to a hospital room? Well many of you have asked me for suggestions and I confess I too was uncertain. But then I saw it in a shop today in Lakeforest Mall. Just the right things: One small (to hang) and one large (to prop up) glass crystals to refract the light and send rainbow hues across her bed and shine on her lovely face.
Let us hope and pray for some good news!
Janet’s fight continues. Her spirit is strong but she is a little weak. The doctors are monitoring her carefully at Holy Cross and everyone is hoping to get her ship shape to go to Hopkins on Thursday. We had hoped that she would be discharged this weekend, but alas, it was not to be. The right lung is still draining. It is at a much lower rate than last week. It may yet be too much to allow the drain to be disconnected and the doctors may wish to take some different action on Monday. Decisions will have to be made. I will go in the morning to help.
In the meantime, Janet was feeling well enough to let me take a couple of pictures. I have written about her wonderful view, so here it is. Also, you’ll see her bulletin board which has the name of her nurse listed for a particular shift. Notice all the pictures especially with the dancers. The picture of her on the top right shows her in orange at the Pennsylvania dance camp the 3rd week of May.
The third picture shows Janet in bed with her lovely smile. This smile reflects her true character, how she feels. Yet please do not be lulled into a false sense of security. She is in pain and is weak. Her life hangs in the balance. We must stabilize her.
So tomorrow, June 23rd is Janet’s 29th (or 58th) birthday. (I agree Stream! She looks half her age.) Her close family will congregate, but the meeting will have to be short. There is a possibility they will do a procedure on her tomorrow or Tuesday. If so, there is the chance that her Hopkins appointment may get pushed back yet again. We hope and pray not. Janet’s 82 year old mother is on her way from Hartford. She should arrive here in Gaithersburg any moment now. Janet’s brother from Hartford is coming tomorrow. Janet, Aleta, George Walter and I will have our photo taken and post it tomorrow night.
What does one get for Janet who is confined to a hospital room? Well many of you have asked me for suggestions and I confess I too was uncertain. But then I saw it in a shop today in Lakeforest Mall. Just the right things: One small (to hang) and one large (to prop up) glass crystals to refract the light and send rainbow hues across her bed and shine on her lovely face.
Let us hope and pray for some good news!
Happy Birthday from the Dragons!
Dear Aliya - all our best wishes 0n your 29th! May the continued outpouring of love and affection quickly bring you back to health and to us.
Last night we performed at the Potomac Overlook Park, where you have danced with us many times. It was a beautiful scene; perfect weather, lots of people picnicking and as always a charming throng of small children running about and dancing in front of the stage. Zaina danced in a beautiful green costume with mirrors - that turned out to be important, because when it was time for her final number the stage lights were blinding us musicians . She was to give us cues with her movements, as usual, but now we could barely see her out front, except for the flashing of the mirrors as she turned. We played with baited breath- we kept looking at each other for reassurance: Now??? Not Yet! ; but Dale pulled off a beautiful drum-solo and luckily we were able to guess right about her gestures and spins and all went well.
As we ended the show with "Love is Healing Power"my thoughts went to you. There was thunder and flashing lightning in the distance when we began packing up our equipment and the first rain drops were falling when Dale, Gordon, Dave, Mark, Zaina and I said goodbye.
Much love and Birthday hugs Stream
Last night we performed at the Potomac Overlook Park, where you have danced with us many times. It was a beautiful scene; perfect weather, lots of people picnicking and as always a charming throng of small children running about and dancing in front of the stage. Zaina danced in a beautiful green costume with mirrors - that turned out to be important, because when it was time for her final number the stage lights were blinding us musicians . She was to give us cues with her movements, as usual, but now we could barely see her out front, except for the flashing of the mirrors as she turned. We played with baited breath- we kept looking at each other for reassurance: Now??? Not Yet! ; but Dale pulled off a beautiful drum-solo and luckily we were able to guess right about her gestures and spins and all went well.
As we ended the show with "Love is Healing Power"my thoughts went to you. There was thunder and flashing lightning in the distance when we began packing up our equipment and the first rain drops were falling when Dale, Gordon, Dave, Mark, Zaina and I said goodbye.
Much love and Birthday hugs Stream
Happy Birthday to You - a Wonderful Belly Dance Teacher!
Hi Aliya,
A happy birthday to you!
Attached below, please see the photos of your cane dancing taken in September last year. I specially liked the peach color costume and the cane, in addition to your fabulous dancing.
You’ve been a wonderful dancer, a kind teacher and a warmest friend of us. We hope you could recover soon and continue to show and teach us more dances for us.
With heartful love,

A happy birthday to you!
Attached below, please see the photos of your cane dancing taken in September last year. I specially liked the peach color costume and the cane, in addition to your fabulous dancing.
You’ve been a wonderful dancer, a kind teacher and a warmest friend of us. We hope you could recover soon and continue to show and teach us more dances for us.
With heartful love,
Saturday's Events

Saturday, June 21, 2008
Janet had a close call on Saturday
Hello, this is George again,
Janet continued to feel poorly on Saturday morning, but an observant doctor noted it and ordered some tests. This was very fortunate. They detected a blood clot in the unaffected left lung. She is now being treated for this and is recovering. It may have been a close call.
The right lung drainage is slowing. It is 300 ml/day, the lowest yet. If we can get it down to 200 ml/day, then she will be OK.
So we continue to wait.
We had plans, as of early yesterday when she was feeling well, to let her have more visitors, but the setback cancelled any such notions. So let us continue to be patient with the patient.
Janet's birthday is on Monday, one day different than Roxanne's. We cannot have a party since Janet does not have the strength for it. We will keep it simple. My son and daugher and I will come with a family photo album or two and discuss some nice memories.
By the way, Roxanne sent a wonderful poem that she wrote herself. I read it and about 6 other card messages to Janet tonight. She was happy to hear and see them. Even more remarkable was that our friend and colleague Dr. Paulo Franciso Cesar from the University of Sao Paulo, Brazil offered to fly up and help. Thanks Paulo, but let's wait! Dr. Susanne Scherrer in Geneva has been monitoring developments closely and I have been communicating with Susanne and her sister in Zurich about treatment options. So Janet has friends around the world who are helping in real time. Janet and I appreciate it a lot.
george quinn, sr.
Janet continued to feel poorly on Saturday morning, but an observant doctor noted it and ordered some tests. This was very fortunate. They detected a blood clot in the unaffected left lung. She is now being treated for this and is recovering. It may have been a close call.
The right lung drainage is slowing. It is 300 ml/day, the lowest yet. If we can get it down to 200 ml/day, then she will be OK.
So we continue to wait.
We had plans, as of early yesterday when she was feeling well, to let her have more visitors, but the setback cancelled any such notions. So let us continue to be patient with the patient.
Janet's birthday is on Monday, one day different than Roxanne's. We cannot have a party since Janet does not have the strength for it. We will keep it simple. My son and daugher and I will come with a family photo album or two and discuss some nice memories.
By the way, Roxanne sent a wonderful poem that she wrote herself. I read it and about 6 other card messages to Janet tonight. She was happy to hear and see them. Even more remarkable was that our friend and colleague Dr. Paulo Franciso Cesar from the University of Sao Paulo, Brazil offered to fly up and help. Thanks Paulo, but let's wait! Dr. Susanne Scherrer in Geneva has been monitoring developments closely and I have been communicating with Susanne and her sister in Zurich about treatment options. So Janet has friends around the world who are helping in real time. Janet and I appreciate it a lot.
george quinn, sr.
Friday, June 20, 2008
Friday was up and down
Hello friends,
This is george again.
Janet started well today. In the morning we had a great conversation on the phone, but tonight she was very tired and still draining, albiet less than earlier in the week. She got at least two blood units to help rebuild her strength tonight. Tonight she had trouble talking, so I read messages to her and showed her yesterday's blog entries and comments. I also brought in a photo album from when we were young and going to college together. We have fond memories from that time.
Get well cards are coming in to me here at the residence and that is great. Janet can look at them or I can read them when I visit. I stayed with her for three hours tonight, gently calming her and occasionally reading the cards. I also told her about her work project that I am helping to keep moving forward. This helps take her mind off her troubles and keeps her technically involved.
We are still restricting visitors. She very much wants to see many of you, but she also realizes that it is essental that she conserve and rebuild her strength to be able to leave the hospital as soon as possible and prepare for the Hopkins meeting next Thursday. I had hoped to allow more visitors to come this weekend, but I am not sure that she is ready for it. I know some of you may be impatient, but this is also Janet's wish. Let us be patient.
Do not worry, she is getting a few visitors. Today Aleta and I visited. Joan Chouili also stoped by. Joan is a ICU nurse and her help and positive attitude is just what Janet appreciates. Our neighbor Joanne Pulliam from down the street stopped by too. I asked Joanne to come. Through the years, Janet and she shared experiences and stories of our kids growing up and going to school in this area. They often go for long walks through the neighborhood. Between we visitors and all the doctors and nurses and clergy, this was enough for Janet today.
Janet is in a room by herself, which is good for her rest. The hospital room is nice and is bright and sunny. She is near a large window where she can watch the clouds and sun go by. The room is very warm, which is just the way she likes it. She can control her bed and has a hand held controller and direct oral communication with the nurses if she needs anything. She likes the food. I have even seen her order something from the kitchen and see it arrive on a tray within a very short time. The kitchen staff are very friendly and happy to take special orders. Janet does not watch any TV at all, not even the news. That was her pattern at home too. I wanted to take a picture tonight, but she was not up to it. Maybe tomorrow. The plan and hope is that she can recover enough to leave the hospital this weekend.
Let's hope that the draining abates and she can gets some strength. This is a critical time and we hope you'll keep the prayers and positive thoughts coming. I am very sincere about this request. I think she needs this help at this critical juncture.
God bless you all.
This is george again.
Janet started well today. In the morning we had a great conversation on the phone, but tonight she was very tired and still draining, albiet less than earlier in the week. She got at least two blood units to help rebuild her strength tonight. Tonight she had trouble talking, so I read messages to her and showed her yesterday's blog entries and comments. I also brought in a photo album from when we were young and going to college together. We have fond memories from that time.
Get well cards are coming in to me here at the residence and that is great. Janet can look at them or I can read them when I visit. I stayed with her for three hours tonight, gently calming her and occasionally reading the cards. I also told her about her work project that I am helping to keep moving forward. This helps take her mind off her troubles and keeps her technically involved.
We are still restricting visitors. She very much wants to see many of you, but she also realizes that it is essental that she conserve and rebuild her strength to be able to leave the hospital as soon as possible and prepare for the Hopkins meeting next Thursday. I had hoped to allow more visitors to come this weekend, but I am not sure that she is ready for it. I know some of you may be impatient, but this is also Janet's wish. Let us be patient.
Do not worry, she is getting a few visitors. Today Aleta and I visited. Joan Chouili also stoped by. Joan is a ICU nurse and her help and positive attitude is just what Janet appreciates. Our neighbor Joanne Pulliam from down the street stopped by too. I asked Joanne to come. Through the years, Janet and she shared experiences and stories of our kids growing up and going to school in this area. They often go for long walks through the neighborhood. Between we visitors and all the doctors and nurses and clergy, this was enough for Janet today.
Janet is in a room by herself, which is good for her rest. The hospital room is nice and is bright and sunny. She is near a large window where she can watch the clouds and sun go by. The room is very warm, which is just the way she likes it. She can control her bed and has a hand held controller and direct oral communication with the nurses if she needs anything. She likes the food. I have even seen her order something from the kitchen and see it arrive on a tray within a very short time. The kitchen staff are very friendly and happy to take special orders. Janet does not watch any TV at all, not even the news. That was her pattern at home too. I wanted to take a picture tonight, but she was not up to it. Maybe tomorrow. The plan and hope is that she can recover enough to leave the hospital this weekend.
Let's hope that the draining abates and she can gets some strength. This is a critical time and we hope you'll keep the prayers and positive thoughts coming. I am very sincere about this request. I think she needs this help at this critical juncture.
God bless you all.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Good news on Thursday
Hello friends,
Janet continues to convalesce. She was a tad anemic today, but nothing alarming. An MRI test result came back showing no problems in her brain, which is good news. An echo cardiogram of her heart also came back good. It was great to get some positive news for a change. OK, maybe the tide is turning!
Also, I received formal word today that Janet was formally approved for a referral to Johns Hopkins center for possible clinical trial treatments. As such, if she qualifies for a trial, she will have access to some of the latest possible treatments. We are optimistic.
This is a big relief for us all.
She is still draining from the lung and we are quantifying it. Hopefully tomorrow it will abate.
I'll take a picture or two tomorrow.
Janet's birthday is Monday the 23rd. So I am afraid we will have to forgo a birthday party for now. Maybe once she is back on her feet.
We continue with very limited visitations.
Go ahead and add some comments or post something yourself.
I think it is possoble to figure this out on the blogspot web site, but you can contact our son G. W. and he can give you a so called "invitation" that will expedite your ablity to contribute.
I think that all you have to do is establish a google identity by giving Google your email and selecting some password. I did this and there have been no annoying spam messages from anyone as a result.
george quinn, sr
Janet continues to convalesce. She was a tad anemic today, but nothing alarming. An MRI test result came back showing no problems in her brain, which is good news. An echo cardiogram of her heart also came back good. It was great to get some positive news for a change. OK, maybe the tide is turning!
Also, I received formal word today that Janet was formally approved for a referral to Johns Hopkins center for possible clinical trial treatments. As such, if she qualifies for a trial, she will have access to some of the latest possible treatments. We are optimistic.
This is a big relief for us all.
She is still draining from the lung and we are quantifying it. Hopefully tomorrow it will abate.
I'll take a picture or two tomorrow.
Janet's birthday is Monday the 23rd. So I am afraid we will have to forgo a birthday party for now. Maybe once she is back on her feet.
We continue with very limited visitations.
Go ahead and add some comments or post something yourself.
I think it is possoble to figure this out on the blogspot web site, but you can contact our son G. W. and he can give you a so called "invitation" that will expedite your ablity to contribute.
I think that all you have to do is establish a google identity by giving Google your email and selecting some password. I did this and there have been no annoying spam messages from anyone as a result.
george quinn, sr
Thinking of you & praying very hard!!
Dearet Janet/ Aliya & all the fab Quinns,
I am still coming to terms with the shock. I just saw you perform and tortured you in my classes at the dance camp in PA.
My love & prayers are with you constantly & I left a suggestion with Sammy Reshevsky last night. Give it a try!
I will keep in touch & of there is ANYTHING I can do (real Transylvanian blood, bone marrow, whatever ...), please lt me know.
Will be thinking about you in Cairo & Istanbul next 4 weeks, but am immediately reachable by e-mail.
Much. much love,
I am still coming to terms with the shock. I just saw you perform and tortured you in my classes at the dance camp in PA.
My love & prayers are with you constantly & I left a suggestion with Sammy Reshevsky last night. Give it a try!
I will keep in touch & of there is ANYTHING I can do (real Transylvanian blood, bone marrow, whatever ...), please lt me know.
Will be thinking about you in Cairo & Istanbul next 4 weeks, but am immediately reachable by e-mail.
Much. much love,
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Last night Robin, Athena, Isaac and Athena's friend Hannah and I decorated fancy cakes. We frosted the cakes then covered them with fondant and decorated the fondant. Check out Isaac's cake with all the hands and Athena and Hannah's cake with the flowers. These were their first fancy cakes!!! We figured we would try a belly dance theme next time since we've now all become experts. Athena and Hannah spent the night under the full moon. They were supposed to sleep in the tent in the back yard but I think they put their sleeping bags on the trampoline and slept there right under the moon. I hope you sleep well tonight! And I hope and pray your lung behaves tomorrow so you can get over to JH. Love, Tamara

Janet's progress on Wednesday
Dear friends,
There was some good news today.
Two dear professonal and dancer friends of Janet (Professor Carol Handwerker of Purdue University and Joan Chouili) and I met a Kaiser oncologist at a Kaiser onology center to review Janet's condition. Ideally Janet herself would have made the appointment, but she is still in the hospital getting tender loving care. After discussing the case, the Kasier oncologist decided to recommend a referral to Johns Hopkins for a possible clinical trial. This is very good news and we will at least get a second opinion about her case and perhaps even access to clinical trials at Hopkins. This is exactly what Janet was hoping for.
In the meantime, we still have several very good leads and contacts to the National Institute of Health and Georgetown University -Lombardi cancer center, should we need to fall back on other help.
Special thanks to all of you who have helped us get to this point. In time, Janet and I will try to respond to all of you. By the way, I screened 140 email messages today on Janet's two email accounts.
And to Joan and Carol: God bless you. Janet could not have gotten the medical care breakthrough today without your help.
There was some good news today.
Two dear professonal and dancer friends of Janet (Professor Carol Handwerker of Purdue University and Joan Chouili) and I met a Kaiser oncologist at a Kaiser onology center to review Janet's condition. Ideally Janet herself would have made the appointment, but she is still in the hospital getting tender loving care. After discussing the case, the Kasier oncologist decided to recommend a referral to Johns Hopkins for a possible clinical trial. This is very good news and we will at least get a second opinion about her case and perhaps even access to clinical trials at Hopkins. This is exactly what Janet was hoping for.
In the meantime, we still have several very good leads and contacts to the National Institute of Health and Georgetown University -Lombardi cancer center, should we need to fall back on other help.
Special thanks to all of you who have helped us get to this point. In time, Janet and I will try to respond to all of you. By the way, I screened 140 email messages today on Janet's two email accounts.
And to Joan and Carol: God bless you. Janet could not have gotten the medical care breakthrough today without your help.
Now we hope Janet's lung stabilizes. Please keep the thoughts and prayers coming.
Sorry: No general visitations and no phone calls please.
Postscript: (I wish this blog would let me cut and paste. It doesn't.)I cotinue to print out each preceeding day's blog entries and bring them in to show Janet.
She continues to be in good spirits, but she is still draining from the right lung. Today we almost thought we detected a noticeable downward trend in this, but then there was a blip back up. Physicians have assured her to be patient and not panic about this.
So Janet continues to recuperate and save her strength. She is eating and breathing well and reading and listening to dance rythyms on the MP3 player.
Thinking of you
Dear Janet,
I pray for you every day. It seems to me that you have the best care possible. I cannot wait until we can dance together again.
Love & hugs from Marta
I pray for you every day. It seems to me that you have the best care possible. I cannot wait until we can dance together again.
Love & hugs from Marta
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Janet on Tuesday
Dear friends,
I am working hard to prepare for an important doctor's meeting tomorrow.
Janet's condition is unchanged.
I'll have more news on Wednesday night.
I am working hard to prepare for an important doctor's meeting tomorrow.
Janet's condition is unchanged.
I'll have more news on Wednesday night.
Beautiful Dancer
My thoughts are with you
Aliya, I was so sorry to hear the news. I was just admiring your awesome abs on Gerson's DVD, and I hope to see them again in performance when you recover. Please know that the thoughts of many of your dance colleagues are with you, and we're praying for your full recovery.
P.S. Love the picture of your dancer toes!
P.S. Love the picture of your dancer toes!
I just heard
Hi! I finally got to see you dance at Folk Tours and if I can figure out how (new to blogs) I will post a picture. You are in my thoughts. I have always enjoyed your smile, and I was glad to see your dance- you looked radiantly healthy! When you recover, we would love to have you dance at the All Seasons hafla- and if anyone is planning a benefit show- I'm up for it if I have the date free! Best of luck!
Nina Amaya
Sam has too much time in his hand :-)
Monday, June 16, 2008
Janet on Monday June 16th
Janet continues to try to heal. A third pleuredesis was done today to try to get the lung to stop draining fluid. They used a different chemical this time. We are very anxious that it will work.
The photo below shows her at about 9 pm on Monday. She has a chart showing the drain level as a function of time. She and I take readings and chart her progress.
As you can see she is looking fine in all respects except she is tired and in a little pain from the catheter in her right side that drains the lung fluids.
I keep telling her that she looks so beautiful with her smile and lovely hair.
Her spirits are very good and she is strong. I marvel at this. She tells me that she can actually feel the love and care from so many of you. She is not making this up. It is real and it gives her strength and courage. Those are her words. I can hear it in her voice and see it in her smile. It gives me strength.
Special thanks to Colleen Hood for passing on the latest news of the dance community and the Kismet dancers. She gave Janet an MP-3 player with lots of good dance music on it. Janet listens to it to buoy her spirits. She loved the group photo of her dance class and insisted I print it out so that she can post it on the room wall. I have a few other pictures of her as scientist, dancer, and mom. She points them out to the nurses who are able to get an inkling of what kind of patient they have in their care.
Janet does not watch the TV. She reads the newspaper every day. She gets up and walks about a bit as best she can with the tube.
So, let us continue to cheer her on and as always, prayers are especially welcome.
It remains too soon for visitors or phone calls, but Janet assures me that she is looking forward to the day we can have a dance festival so that she can admire all her dance friends.
The big rush of information on doctors and treatments centers has abated. That's OK. We will thank you individually as we can when things settle down, but the info we got was great!
We will take her to Hopkins for a second opinion for treatment and we hope Kaiser will agree to a referral. At the moment my son GW and I are collecting information on chemo drugs and therapies. Dane Choe (a friend of Dr. James Lee who is a colleague where I work) has a mother who is being treated successfully at Hopkins. Dane sent me a list-sequence of the drugs that his mom has taken at Hopkins that have kept her alive for 4 years after she was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer. Janet hopes she will get such a chance. Thanks Dane!
Janet's room has a wonderful very large window and she enjoys watching the clouds and thunderstorms go by.
george quinn
Warm shimmies,
I have thought of you every day since I received your e-mail. Keep on fighting and I will keep on praying. Much love, Marta
Dancing 4 Aliya @ NIST
Aliya! I wanted to let you know that there is a new member in your fan club: Darva Satcher from NIST. She said that she's never met you before but that she has heard many GREAT things about you! Darva is the latest member of the NIST belly dancing group. Of course she was initiated by having to write her name with her hips! I knew that you would want us to continue to dance, Dance, DANCE so I filled in and taught the Thursday beginner's class at NIST. We worked on my weakness...hands and arms and all the dancers did beautifully! We also worked on shoulder isolations. The music for the class was Turkish Pop, sent to my by my Turkish friend Merve who recently had a full blown Turkish wedding and has been sending me tons of pictures and music. I gave GW a copy of the CD for you to enjoy. I find song #5, Kalp Kalbe Karsi Derler, to be very spiritual and soulful. Limin, Maria, Myriam, Darva, Lucy and I all send you our best wishes. We danced most of this song with our eyes closed, sending you peacefulness, beauty, love, and belly dancing spirit.
For those of you who'd like to hear the song, I found a You Tube video of Asli-Ferhat Göçer:
Here is another beautiful song with beautiful pictures:
For those of you who'd like to hear the song, I found a You Tube video of Asli-Ferhat Göçer:
Here is another beautiful song with beautiful pictures:
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Janet on Sunday, 15 June
Hello friends,
I am sad to report that Janet did not improve today.
She is still draining from the lung, despite having had a second talc pleuredesis on Friday night-Saturday morning. I helped her make up a chart on the draining, since for some reason the staff were content to simply eyeball the accululation meter every now and again. Janet wanted a more quantitative time-amount trend chart.
She is eating well, able to move about in her room, and is breathing fine, but the lung must dry out. She is being medicated, so at times she is resting. Anyone who has ever stayed in a hospital realizes that it can be difficult to get rest, with all the noises and nurses coming to take blood tests, etc. So when she can sleep or catnap, it helps her recover her strength and energy.
So for now, no general visits and no phone calls please unless from close family and our close contact network of medical friends. Phone calls sometimes wake her up.
Please do make entries on this blog. I print them out and bring them to Janet each day.
I am sad to report that Janet did not improve today.
She is still draining from the lung, despite having had a second talc pleuredesis on Friday night-Saturday morning. I helped her make up a chart on the draining, since for some reason the staff were content to simply eyeball the accululation meter every now and again. Janet wanted a more quantitative time-amount trend chart.
She is eating well, able to move about in her room, and is breathing fine, but the lung must dry out. She is being medicated, so at times she is resting. Anyone who has ever stayed in a hospital realizes that it can be difficult to get rest, with all the noises and nurses coming to take blood tests, etc. So when she can sleep or catnap, it helps her recover her strength and energy.
So for now, no general visits and no phone calls please unless from close family and our close contact network of medical friends. Phone calls sometimes wake her up.
Please do make entries on this blog. I print them out and bring them to Janet each day.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Please tell Janet that we love her and are in that hospital room with her in spirit and that all she needs to do is say the word and we'll be there in person. Also, if there is anything she needs or wants or craves, to let us know. By the way, a huge box of hohos or yoyos will go a long way towards getting terrific care in a hospital. Don't ask me why!
Still recovering, Saturday afternoon
Hi folks,
Janet is still recovering. It is taking longer than expected. The lung is still collecting some fluid.
They added some more talc medicine to her last night and this morning and gave her 3 units of blood. Now we wait and hope that the lung stabilizes.
Her spirits are good and she is getting a little exasperated with some of the nurses since they are not used to the procedures she is getting. Janet, you see, is in an orthopedic ward. I guess they figured this would be a straightforward task, but it is going on longer than they expected. We may ask to have her moved if need be.
So the same as yesterday: No general visits or telephone calls since she still is very tired, especially after last night.
Robin Blendell, a nurse-dancer friend of the family visted Janet today to help out. Thanks Robin! Joan is also coming in to help as she can. At the moment, these are the kind of visitors we need in addition to the immediate family.
As soon as Janet is feeling well enough for visitors, I'll post it on this blog.
So stay tuned, and go ahead and add some comments!
Janet is still recovering. It is taking longer than expected. The lung is still collecting some fluid.
They added some more talc medicine to her last night and this morning and gave her 3 units of blood. Now we wait and hope that the lung stabilizes.
Her spirits are good and she is getting a little exasperated with some of the nurses since they are not used to the procedures she is getting. Janet, you see, is in an orthopedic ward. I guess they figured this would be a straightforward task, but it is going on longer than they expected. We may ask to have her moved if need be.
So the same as yesterday: No general visits or telephone calls since she still is very tired, especially after last night.
Robin Blendell, a nurse-dancer friend of the family visted Janet today to help out. Thanks Robin! Joan is also coming in to help as she can. At the moment, these are the kind of visitors we need in addition to the immediate family.
As soon as Janet is feeling well enough for visitors, I'll post it on this blog.
So stay tuned, and go ahead and add some comments!
Update late Friday night
This is george sr. again.
Janet is geting some more medicine to her lung tonight or tomorrow to try to arrest the fluid drain through the catheder. It is slowing, but not enough. Her sprits are good, but this is tiring for her. Joan Chouili came by and used her ICU nursing skills to help Janet a lot. Muchos gracias! No general visitations tomorrow please.
This is george sr. again.
Janet is geting some more medicine to her lung tonight or tomorrow to try to arrest the fluid drain through the catheder. It is slowing, but not enough. Her sprits are good, but this is tiring for her. Joan Chouili came by and used her ICU nursing skills to help Janet a lot. Muchos gracias! No general visitations tomorrow please.
Friday, June 13, 2008
Progress on Friday
Hello folks,
This is George sr. again.
As of Friday afternoon, Janet was still recovering.
Some things are better, but a couple need more time.
One coworker, Dr. Naoimi Eidelman of the ADA, offered to give me a wireless laptop on loan. That was a great idea, but Janet told me at noontime she wasn't up to actually doing it yet. She was chomping at the bit just before the surgery, but now she is a little slower and is still recovering. Thanks anyway Naoimi!
OK, we will be patient. I think she does need rest, both in body and soul, to prepare for the next steps. It has been an incredible shock.
Sam Liao's pictures are great. How thoughtful of you to add them.
Poems are very inspirational too! And please don't forget those prayers. I'm serious.
The group photo that Roxanne sent was for the short course that she gave on Fractography. Roxanne represents Zeiss and was very kind to loan the microscopes. On the right in white in the front is Dr. Susanne Scherrer of the University of Geneva. She and Janet gave the course with a supporting appearance by me.
It was astonishing that the very next day, Janet fell ill and we ended up in the emergency room. You would never know it from the photo.
So for now, no general visitations. Janet still has a little trouble talking and it causes her to get tired. Let us let her rest her throat. I may have more for this blog later tonight.
I am printing out the blog pages to bring to show her, but please remember before you post something, that Janet is in a very serious situation.
This is George sr. again.
As of Friday afternoon, Janet was still recovering.
Some things are better, but a couple need more time.
One coworker, Dr. Naoimi Eidelman of the ADA, offered to give me a wireless laptop on loan. That was a great idea, but Janet told me at noontime she wasn't up to actually doing it yet. She was chomping at the bit just before the surgery, but now she is a little slower and is still recovering. Thanks anyway Naoimi!
OK, we will be patient. I think she does need rest, both in body and soul, to prepare for the next steps. It has been an incredible shock.
Sam Liao's pictures are great. How thoughtful of you to add them.
Poems are very inspirational too! And please don't forget those prayers. I'm serious.
The group photo that Roxanne sent was for the short course that she gave on Fractography. Roxanne represents Zeiss and was very kind to loan the microscopes. On the right in white in the front is Dr. Susanne Scherrer of the University of Geneva. She and Janet gave the course with a supporting appearance by me.
It was astonishing that the very next day, Janet fell ill and we ended up in the emergency room. You would never know it from the photo.
So for now, no general visitations. Janet still has a little trouble talking and it causes her to get tired. Let us let her rest her throat. I may have more for this blog later tonight.
I am printing out the blog pages to bring to show her, but please remember before you post something, that Janet is in a very serious situation.
My Son's Graduation

Hi Janet! I hope you're feeling much better after your surgery. Things have been very busy in my life. On May 31, my family celebrated my son Steven's graduation from college. He attended the University of Delaware and majored in Chemical Engineering. We are all so proud of him! Here's a photo of my family - my parents and sister came up from Florida for the ceremony, and they had a great time. The best part is that Steven already has a job lined up in Princeton, NJ. He's already found an apartment, and is currently shopping for a car. It's a wonderful feeling to know that I raised him from a helpless infant to a fully independent adult. That's all I have for now. I'll keep reading up on your progress, and look forward to when I can visit you. My prayers are with you and your family. Love, Claudia
For those of you who don't know Dr. Janet Quinn...
We all adore Aliya, but a few of us get to see the other side of her when she becomes Dr. Quinn, the scientific arm of the American Dental Association studying dental ceramics and fractography. I thought I would share a picture of Janet taken on May 30th at the end of a 3 day course that she gave at NIST in fractography. She spent that Friday and Saturday running her students to the airport ensuring their safe trip home. She admitted she was exhausted, but her main thought was to make the course a success for her students. However, even as the Janet the scientist, notice that you can still see those Aliya metallic dancer toes!
Janet- I'm thinking about you and praying for you to stay strong everyday.
In my accounting book, i find this....
Just find out you are sick!

Whenever I call her on the phone, she started with a sweet voice!
Well, Janet, I just find out that you are sick, I have been talking to GW, Aleta, and Alanna today to find out more about your condition. I was happy that you are in good spirit! But I am thinking of you all day and I feel bad that I didnt got a lot of time to chat with you few weeks ago all. I always feel warm when I talked to you and you are always someone I want to go to talk to!
I went to mass and saying prayers for health!
Because of you, I met you kids (GW and Aleta). They became very good friends of mine.
Ah, I find some pictures from past belly dance event and share with your friends and family. And I hope you like them.
Janet, I love you! I am praying that you get better soon! and you hang in there! I will try to clear my schedule and come back to visit you soon!
Thursday, June 12, 2008
A Poem
Most Beautiful Dancer,
I love this blog site...and the fab photos of the toes! I hope you will see the group photo taken on Wednesday of some of your students/friends. Perhaps you won't recognize me cuz I cut my hair short and died it a "hot" red. In any case, my thoughts and prayers are with you and in my day dreams we are dancing together, laughing and smiling.
I also wanted to share this poem from Emily Dickinson.
"Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul, and sings the tune - without the words, and never stops at all."
With much Love, Light and Laughter - Robin
I love this blog site...and the fab photos of the toes! I hope you will see the group photo taken on Wednesday of some of your students/friends. Perhaps you won't recognize me cuz I cut my hair short and died it a "hot" red. In any case, my thoughts and prayers are with you and in my day dreams we are dancing together, laughing and smiling.
I also wanted to share this poem from Emily Dickinson.
"Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul, and sings the tune - without the words, and never stops at all."
With much Love, Light and Laughter - Robin
Thursday update
Dear friends,
This is george quinn, sr. again about how Janet is doing on Thursday.
She is much better, but still not entirely out of the woods.
She is able to speak and breath more freely, but the side chest lung tube is still picking up some fluid. This must gradually dry out. She is eating and urinating well (a good sign) and they are monitoring her blood and fluids. So we shall let her rest a day or two more. Please, no general visitations for now.
Her spirits are good, but like I said yesterday, she is anxious to get that keyboard and get on line to start researching therapies and chemo options. That is her frame of mind. She is not wallowing in self pity, but ready to tackle this challenge head on. Those of you her know her well will understand. I have learned that when she gets something like this in mind, to step aside and not get run over!
So in addition to her slow but steady recovery, the good news is that we have two appointments with oncologists next week. One is a Kaiser oncologist (at last we will meet one!) and the other is a specialist at Johns Hopkins University-Kimmel Cancer center for a second opinion. Thanks to several of you who worked hard to help us land the second connection. They may be able to apply innovative therapies that the health maintenance organization cannot or will not use. This option gives Janet great hope, a very precious commodity.
This is george quinn, sr. again about how Janet is doing on Thursday.
She is much better, but still not entirely out of the woods.
She is able to speak and breath more freely, but the side chest lung tube is still picking up some fluid. This must gradually dry out. She is eating and urinating well (a good sign) and they are monitoring her blood and fluids. So we shall let her rest a day or two more. Please, no general visitations for now.
Her spirits are good, but like I said yesterday, she is anxious to get that keyboard and get on line to start researching therapies and chemo options. That is her frame of mind. She is not wallowing in self pity, but ready to tackle this challenge head on. Those of you her know her well will understand. I have learned that when she gets something like this in mind, to step aside and not get run over!
So in addition to her slow but steady recovery, the good news is that we have two appointments with oncologists next week. One is a Kaiser oncologist (at last we will meet one!) and the other is a specialist at Johns Hopkins University-Kimmel Cancer center for a second opinion. Thanks to several of you who worked hard to help us land the second connection. They may be able to apply innovative therapies that the health maintenance organization cannot or will not use. This option gives Janet great hope, a very precious commodity.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Janet on wednesday, June 11, 2008
Hello friends,
This is George, Janet's husband. Today Janet was recovering from her lung drain surgery on Tuesday. It went well and she is recovering her strength.
It is too soon for visitors at Holy Cross, with a couple of exceptions.
Janet needs time to rest and heal. Her spirit is good even if the body is weak.
Hopefully she will get better each day.
She is so happy that so many friends rallied to help her and me in this time of need. I have been orally passing some of the messages to her. She wants me to tell everyone that the response was terrific and you were remarkable in getting us good access to some key medical experts and information.
This dance network is astonishing. I was going to send a shotgun email through my place of work, but by the time we were just about to let it loose, Janet and I had gotten a huge amount of specific and valuable information from the dance network. You dance gals are a force to be reckoned with!
We will be sending out specificc updates and thanks you's to many of you, but for the moment, Janet is on her back without a keyboard (how deprived!) and I am running in crisis mode.
So, let me share a lighter moment with you.
As she was being wheeled into surgery, they asked her many questions about allergies, drug reactions, sensitivity to anesthesia, etc and they asked if she had any metal on.
I guess they were concerned about body jewelry or dental bridges, etc. Janet said well yes, she did have some heavy metal on. They asked where? She said on her toes. They looked, and they found her metallic nail paint from the end of may dance camp. She wears the gold metal colors with pride! The paint is a bit tattered after the last 2 weeks, but the colors shine on!
Janet will be seeing two oncologists next week.
Once again, prayers welcome!
I'll try to add an update each day.
Special thanks to Colleen Hood for helping organize dancer communications, to my son GW for getting this blog up and running, and Joan Chouili for helping me with the medical issues.
george q.
This is George, Janet's husband. Today Janet was recovering from her lung drain surgery on Tuesday. It went well and she is recovering her strength.
It is too soon for visitors at Holy Cross, with a couple of exceptions.
Janet needs time to rest and heal. Her spirit is good even if the body is weak.
Hopefully she will get better each day.
She is so happy that so many friends rallied to help her and me in this time of need. I have been orally passing some of the messages to her. She wants me to tell everyone that the response was terrific and you were remarkable in getting us good access to some key medical experts and information.
This dance network is astonishing. I was going to send a shotgun email through my place of work, but by the time we were just about to let it loose, Janet and I had gotten a huge amount of specific and valuable information from the dance network. You dance gals are a force to be reckoned with!
We will be sending out specificc updates and thanks you's to many of you, but for the moment, Janet is on her back without a keyboard (how deprived!) and I am running in crisis mode.
So, let me share a lighter moment with you.
As she was being wheeled into surgery, they asked her many questions about allergies, drug reactions, sensitivity to anesthesia, etc and they asked if she had any metal on.
I guess they were concerned about body jewelry or dental bridges, etc. Janet said well yes, she did have some heavy metal on. They asked where? She said on her toes. They looked, and they found her metallic nail paint from the end of may dance camp. She wears the gold metal colors with pride! The paint is a bit tattered after the last 2 weeks, but the colors shine on!
Janet will be seeing two oncologists next week.
Once again, prayers welcome!
I'll try to add an update each day.
Special thanks to Colleen Hood for helping organize dancer communications, to my son GW for getting this blog up and running, and Joan Chouili for helping me with the medical issues.
george q.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Pleural Effusion Problem
Today my mom will undergo two minor surgeries to deal with the pleural effusion that has been building up in her right lung. First, they will drain the fluid from the lung via a small tube that is inserted through the chest (or back, I'm not entirely sure which). Then, they will investigate what is causing the pleural effusion by performing Thoracoscopy, which involves inserting a small camera through the chest so that they can look around inside the lung. The final step, as I understand it, is to insert Bleomycin (or something) into the lung through a needle to essentially glue parts of the lung together to prevent fluid from accumulating again.
Barring unforeseen circumstances, the doctors will then focus on diagnosing what is wrong with my mother's abdomen, which has been causing her pain. I am hoping that the abdominal pain is just a symptom of the pleural effusion and not something worse (like ascites).

The picture (from my camera-phone) shows that despite everything, my mom is in good spirits.
Barring unforeseen circumstances, the doctors will then focus on diagnosing what is wrong with my mother's abdomen, which has been causing her pain. I am hoping that the abdominal pain is just a symptom of the pleural effusion and not something worse (like ascites).

The picture (from my camera-phone) shows that despite everything, my mom is in good spirits.
Lung Cancer Diagnosis
My mom was recently diagnosed with stage IV non-small cell lung cancer. Stage IV means the cancer has already spread to other organs, so surgery is no longer an option, and there is no hope that she will ever be cured. Needless to say, the news took our family completely by surprise. A week before the diagnosis I did not even notice anything that would indicate that she was sick (other than a lingering cough that I did not take too seriously at the time). Besides teaching a Bellydance class, I personally saw her workout at the gym and nothing seemed out of the ordinary. These are typical activities for my mother, who has always maintained an active and healthy lifestyle. She has never smoked.
My mom asked me to set up this blog to provide up-to-date information on her condition to all those interested. Although she is currently in the hospital, she is very enthusiastic about this and plans to make posts of her own once she is released. In the meantime, her family will try to keep readers informed.
My mom asked me to set up this blog to provide up-to-date information on her condition to all those interested. Although she is currently in the hospital, she is very enthusiastic about this and plans to make posts of her own once she is released. In the meantime, her family will try to keep readers informed.
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